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16, 2009 - 26 animals
sterilized Dr. Tello sterilized 18 dogs and 8 cats. Of the 18 dogs, 14 were female and 4 were male. Of the 8 cats, 7 were female and 1 was male. This will be a short report. A few days before the clinic I contracted herpes zoster (shingles) which is very painful. Therefore, I took very few pictures. This web page has been delayed because I still have the severe pain. A very belated THANK YOU to Ron and Kim Miller! Way back in May of 2008, they were kind enough to bring my new (big) animal weighing scale from the US, which saved me a lot in shipping and customs fees. I mentioned that "someone" was bringing the scale but I failed to mention their names. Ron and Kim are developing Finca Santa Marta so that we can have delicious, truly organic vegetables, eggs, chickens, etc. They also want to develop a talapia farm. MANY thanks to our wonderful volunteers and contributors. Without their help and dedication, this important work simply could not be done.
Ingreso y donaciones financieras:
At this August 16, 2009 clinic, we sterilized 18 dogs and 8 cats. At my average cost of $20 per dog and $10 per cat, expenses were $440, plus $100 for building rent, for a total expense of $540. With contributions of $1,050.00, there was actually a POSITIVE cash flow of $510.00. Since October of 2006 to date, my accumulated deficit is $3,843.75. (In an email Freda Clarke said she wanted her contribution to bring my deficit below $4,000. Thank you again, Freda!) Please contribute! I very much appreciate your contributions, which are welcome and needed! (US citizens: please contact me about how to make IRS tax-deductible contributions.) Following are the few pictures taken during the August 16, 2009 clinic.
Here in Volcan, our small group has been responsible for sterilizing 815 animals to date. Added to the 129 animals that Spay/Panama (from Panama City) sterilized in in Volcan in February of 2005, we have sterilized 944 dogs and cats! There are many more to go, but we are making progress! Our goal is to sterilize at least 75% of the dogs and cats in the Volcan area, and thus almost completely solve the problem of homeless dogs and cats, and the terrible venereal disease suffered by so many dogs. Dorothy Atwater - 6780-2565 or viajar2566@yahoo.com Back to Clinics Page Back to HOME PAGE |