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Animals Yes, USA
Spay Panama's
Animals Yes, USA

October 24, 2010 - 35 animals were operated on today
by Dr. Andrés Tello, our wonderful veterinarian. 

Today Dr. Tello sterilized 18 dogs and 13 cats. Fifteen of the dogs were female and 3 were male. Nine of the cats were female and 4 were male. In addiition, on already sterilized dogs, he removed an abscessed tooth from one, removed a hernia from another, and removed a huge mammary tumor from a third. On the 35th dog, he amputated a front leg.

One female dog that was sterilized today also had a big venereal tumor that Dr. Tello removed. Remember, venereal tumors among dogs are rampant in Panama. The tumors for both male and female are eventually fatal; however, the tumors are internal and are not noticeable until they begin to create a dischrge of blood from the vagina (females) or from the penis (males).

Spay Panama's Animals Yes, USA, a 501(c)3 organization, has been kind enough to include Spay Panama-Chiriqui under their umbrella so that I can receive US tax deductible donations through PayPal. We're still working on the fine points, so if you donate through PayPal, PLEASE send me an email informing me of your donation.  I want to be able to thank you personally.

It isn't necessary to have a PayPal account to donate; you can also use any major credit card. You will receive a receipt for a tax deduction.

Our excellent veterinarian is paid a small amount for his expertise and skill, and I provide the building and all the equipment, medications, and supplies. Neither I nor any of the volunteers receives any payment or "perks." Every penny goes for the animals. A donation of $20 pays for the sterilization of one dog; $10 pays for the sterilization of one cat.

If you prefer that your donation is anonymous, there will be a place during the donation process for you to note the instruction. Also, please inform me by email if you want your donation to be anonymous. Otherwise, I post the donor's names in the financial accounting on my web page for each clinic.

Thank you for your help!
Your contribution helps make Spay/Panama-Chiriqui services possible.  

Anyone who is local to Volcan, PLEASE talk with your friends and neighbors, explain the importance of sterilization and tell them about our clinics.  My goal is to sterilize at least 30 animals during each clinic. Our next clinic will be on November 21st, 2010. This will be our last clinic for 2010. After the November clinic, we will resume in January of 2011.

MANY thanks to our wonderful volunteers and contributors. Without their help and dedication, this important work simply could not be done. 

Ana Blanco handled registration.
Mary Binder and Don Binder administered the anesthesia and the pre-op injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammation. They also trained Deirdre Dayno to give the injections. "Dee" is a peace corps volunteer.
Don Binder performed pre-op shaving and prepping. 
Jose Espinosa, my permanent employee, helps weigh and tag the animals, provides transportation for animals in my car when necessary, and helps with various duties. Jose and I go to the clinic site on Mondays following the Sunday clinics to clean and organize for the next one.
Rosita Cabellero performed post-op care: cleaned the surgical site, tattooed the ears of female dogs to indicate they have been sterilized, gave injections of vitamin B-12 and antiparasite, and administered flea and tick treatment when necessary. She also trained a new volunteer, Hillary Fuentes.
Francia Pinedo assisted Dr. Tello and helped with translations. 
Eymi Pitti cleaned and sterilized the surgical instruments.

Thanks to Jorge and Vicky (Restaurant Mana) for donating a delicious main dish of chicken, rice and vegetables, to Peter and Ruth (Dalys's Restaurant) for cup cakes, to Richard Kongable for the drinks, and to Marianne Brown for a fruit salad. 

Thanks to Osvaldo Ivan Flores for translating this web page into Spanish. He is the editor of a local newspaper, Chiriqui Libre.

Please forgive me if I have neglected to mention any volunteers or contributors! 

Income and expenses: 

$  433.00

contributions by owners and/or guardians

      48.60      cash donation by Mary Quish ($50 less $1.40 PayPal fee)
        9.48      cash donation by Kathleen Barber ($10 less .52 PayPal fee)
      96.50      cash donation by Marny Hohl ($100 less $3.50 PayPal fee)

At this October 24th, 2010 clinic, Dr. Tello operated on 21 dogs and 13 cats.  (I'm not including the amputation in my costs; the dog's owners paid Dr. Tello direct for it.) With my average cost of $20 per dog and $10 per cat, expenses for the animals were $550. Plus the usual $100 building rent, I also had extraordinary expenses this month: $336.29, autoclave repair; $100.56, two new shavers;  $57.74, table for cleaning teeth. Total expenses this month were $1,144.59. With contributions of $587.58, there was a deficit of $557.01. Therefore, since October of 2006 to date, my accumulated deficit is  $4,184.76.

The clinics began in March of 2006 but it didn't occur to me to keep financial records until October of 2006. I just now found a mistake in my calculations. I had counted $155.00 of positive cash flow as a negative; I've corrected that mistake in the accumulated deficit figure above. (However, the reported deficit does not include the original start-up expenses: tables, stainless steel operating tables, stainless steel positioners, expensive surgical instruments, chairs, lamps, tarps, plastic carrying boxes, crates and cages, towels, floor pads, blankets and insulation for floor - the animals need to be kept warm after surgery - etc. I bought all of those things but never did keep a record of the cost so I can't include those costs in the total deficit.)

Please donate! I very much appreciate your contributions, which are welcome and needed! 

Lots of great pictures taken during the October 24, 2010 clinic. 

Richard Kongable (holding his newly
 adopted dog). 

People waiting.

Freida, another of Richard Kongable's

Don Binder shaving.

Mary Binder and Don Binder.

Rosita Cabellero, Eymi Pitti, Francia Pinedo

Hillary Fuentes, Rosita Cabellero, Eymi Pitti, Ana Blanco

Edwardo sitting with his dog while she wakes up.

Mary and Don Binder's neighbor. They brought her and her dog, plus paid the $20 for sterilization.

Ruben Martinez (red shirt) loves his rescued dog. Two kids watching the surgery are facinated.
Jose Espinosa, Francia Pinedo, and Rachel Grove watch Dr. Tello operate.
Dog sleeping and awaiting surgery.

Eric Pinto loves his dog. Besides being sterilized, she had a large venereal tumor removed.

 The young mama dog was sterilized today; her puppy will be done next month. 

Dr. Tello and Eymi Pitti..

Deirdre Doyno with a cute puppy
 in her pocket.

Man with his little dog.

Toribio Rios loves his dog and brought her to be sterilized today.

BIG dog on the operating table.

Dr. Tello operating on a cat.

Two young people with their dog. This was the one with the abscessed tooth. 

Thanks to everyone who participated in our clinics today, and to those who had their pets sterilized. Always remember that TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Here in Volcan, our small group has been responsible for sterilizing 1,105 animals to date. Added to the 129 animals that Spay/Panama (from Panama City) sterilized in in Volcan in February of 2005, we have sterilized 1,234 dogs and cats! There are many more to go, but we are making progress!  Our goal is to sterilize at least 75% of the dogs and cats in the Volcan area, and thus almost completely solve the problem of homeless dogs and cats, and the terrible venereal disease suffered by so many dogs.

Dorothy Atwater - 771-5883, 6780-2565 or viajar2566@yahoo.com
skype:  muffiemae

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