24, 2017
42 animals were spayed/neutered by Dr. Andres Tello,
our wonderful veterinarian, Plus he also performed several other
time-consuming procedures. See the explanations below.
Tello sterilized 25 dogs and 17 cats. Of the dogs, 19 were female and 6 were male.
Of the cats, 14 were female and 3 were male. This
brings our total of dogs and cats sterilized to 4,105.
of all, many thanks to Don Binder who volunteered to buy lunch for all of
us. On the Friday before the Sunday clinic, he went to the new "The
Black Mountain Coffee House" and ordered two large pizzas that he
specifically said he would pick up at 11:30 on Sunday, the 24th. When Don went to get the
pizzas, no one knew anything about his previous specific order, and the person
who had taken Don's order was not there.
Don did
not have a pleasant conversation with the owner, who was rude, arrogant,
gave no apology, and assumed no responsibility for the screw up.
owner told Don he could
return at 1:30. By that time, everyone at the clinic would have been
starving. So Don then
went to Mary's restaurant and bought meals-to- go for everyone. The
unexpected hassles caused by "The Black Mountain Coffee House" took
much more of Don's time away from the clinic than we had anticipated.
said he would tell everyone knows about this issue. A screw up with a new business
is not unusual. But in my opinion, for the owner to offer no apologies and
assume no responsibility is unacceptable. Personally,
I will never, ever give them any business. And for you folks reading the decide for yourselves whether to support this unapologetic owner
with YOUR business. (The owner's name is said to be "Pepe" but
he refused to give his last name.)
addition to sterilizations, Dr. Tello also performed other
the little two-month-old female puppy that had been hit by a car a few days prior
to the August clinic. Her hip was dislocated, and it was necessary to remove
her entire hip joint. Although her recovery time should have been up to
six months, at our September clinic when Dr.Tello examined her, she was
not limping and was walking with no evidence of pain.
Tello removed a horrible tumor from the side of a cat. A picture will be
in the photo album; the link to the photo album will be given below.
tooth extraction from a dog where an abscess had even eaten a hole into
the side of the dog's mouth.
Tello examined Bubba, the dog of Betsy and Frank Barbeau. Within the
last couple of weeks, Dr. Tello performed the complicated surgical
procedure of repairing a torn ligament in Bubba's rear leg. Recovery
time for this type of surgery is usually five to six months. But Bubba
was already walking on his leg and was healing very quickly. Another
recommendation for our wonderful Dr. Tello!
and subsequent removal of growths from Blake Mitchell's huge dog Ty.
female dog rescued from the street by Don Binder (and then adopted by
Dana Larson) had a huge cancerous venereal tumor. It was impossible to
remove surgically. Dr.Tello had already given the dog the first dose of
chemotherapy and when Dana brought the dog to his September
clinic, the tumor had already shrunk significantly. Tello gave a
second dose of chemo.
the past we used to encounter venereal tumors quite often at our
clinics; thankfully, because we have sterilized so many dogs in the
area, we seldom see them now.)
news: A volunteer reported that one of the neighborhood dogs (owner
unknown) that we had befriended and sterilized had been hit by a car and
killed on the road very near the clinic building. When will the ATTT do
something about the vehicles that travel at high velocity on these
roads? Never?
news! The six puppies born to Patricia
Ortiz's newly rescued mama dog were adopted to good homes!
were two pregnancies today. (Dr. Tello charges extra extra for pregnancies
because the surgery takes longer and is more complicated.)
had a total of 13 no-shows: 6 female dogs, 1 male dog, 6 female cats.
we also offer teeth cleaning of dogs. The cost is $25.00. Please make an
appointment if you want this procedure. Today we cleaned the teeth of
two dogs and already have two appointments clean teeth for October 22nd.
next clinic will be on October 22, 2017. Please call for an appointment
right away. The clinics fill up rapidly.
may click the PayPal "Donate" button below to help the animals.
It is to my personal PayPal account at
and your contribution will not
be US tax deductible. Please specify your payment is for "friends or family"
so that PayPal will not charge a fee and every penny will go
for the animals. If you don't have a PayPal
account, you can use a credit card.
Except for our
veterinarian, neither I nor anyone else
connected with the clinics receives any pay. I rent
the building where we hold the clinics, and I buy all the anesthesia,
medications, instruments, supplies, and equipment--and provide
transportation for those who need it. I have no offices, no
salaries, no paid advertising. Every penny goes for the animals.
is a project from my heart, and I pay the deficits from my own
Thank you in
advance for
future financial help, and thanks to everyone who has donated in the
Francia Pinedo was on vacation, so Betsy Barbeau handled registration
and did a great job!
Don Binder weighed animals and gave the anesthesia
injections. He and Elcy Morales gave the pre-op
injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. They also put mineral
oil in the eyes of the animals so they would not dry out, shaved the
surgical site before surgery, and performed
whatever other duties were needed.
John Gould and Amanda Dettloff helped
remove cats from crates to anesthetize them (sometimes dangerous!). John carried animals to and from the surgical table and then to the recovery
area, plus he provided help in many other ways.
Various volunteers assisted Dr. Tello and gave post-op injections of B-12 and
antiparasite. Those include Stephanie Rodriguez (from David) and Amanda
Dettloff and Alex Rios. They dressed the incisions, applied flea
and tick treatment, tattooed the ears of female dogs, and generally checked the well being of the
Alex Rios also assisted with after-care duties.
Alex also cleaned the teeth of two dogs today. Good job, Alex!
Alexis Vasquez, a new volunteer, assisted
in many ways.
Mickey Holgerson is also a new volunteer.
Mickey, Panamanian, is a certified translator. We very much appreciate
his talents!
Dr. Tello's daughter Enid assisted her
dad all day, plus helping him all day at the David clinic the day
before. Great job, Enid!
Dee Braden cleaned and sterilized the surgical instruments.
always, we had a great
team of volunteers and everything ran very smoothly!
We had a lot of
delicious food for the doctor and the volunteers! Thanks to everyone
who contributed: The main dish, drinks, and dessert from Don Binder, fruit from
Amanda Rankin. I took organic oranges for everyone to eat and/or take
forgive me if I forgot to thank anyone who donated or contributed.
Income and expenses:
830.00* |
contributions by guardians/owners
Al Jan (Volcan)
114.42 |
Woodwood (Canada)
2,050.00 |
(thank you for your generosity!)
$3,019.42 |
cash income
The $830 contributions by guardians/owners were for spaying and neutering
only. Payments for other procedures were paid to Dr. Tello
separately. Neither those payments nor the charges for other services are
included in the income and expenses.
this September 24, 2017 clinic Dr. Tello sterilized 25 dogs and 17 cats. With my
average costs of $25 per dog and $15 per cat, expenses were $80 plus $100
for building rent, for a total of $980. Income this month was $3,019.42 leaving
an excess of $2,039.42. Therefore, subtracting my previous deficit, I currently have NO out-of-pocket expenses
and have an excess of $1,886.78. Many thanks to everyone for your generous
have always had expenses that I do not list...gasoline for going to David and
searching all over town for necessary supplies, medications, etc.,
medications to treat sick or injured dogs, (either street dogs or those
having owners), the cost of the expensive medication to put a dog down
when it has been too badly injured, etc. I still won't
deduct those costs as expenses, but for larger expenses, I will now subtract the
cost of those. (I never have in the past.)
For example, I have ordered (but not yet received) a 4-foot
Ketch-All pole from this company:
I don't yet have the final price because there is a shipping cost to my
forwarding company in Miami, and then the cost to bring it from Miami to
Panama. This pole will help to catch either vicious or very frightened
dogs so that we can treat them for wounds when necessary and then
sterilize them.
heartfelt thanks for the generous donations of those who have contributed
for this clinic, who have contributed in the past, and who will contribute in the future! We need and appreciate your help! Love and thanks to everyone!
This is the
precious little female dog that was spayed in August and Dr. Tello
removed her entire hip joint because she had been hit by a car. The
surgery was complicated and extensive and recovery time is usually
5 to 6 months. But just a month later, she is walking with no
pain. (She looks wet in this picture because she vomited on the
trip from Rio Sereno and we had to wash her.)
sure to see all the photos taken during the clinic!
See my Flickr web album HERE
on the first picture to see the captions and advance through all
the pictures.
Here in
Volcan, our small group has been
responsible for sterilizing 4,105 dogs and cats to date. (And this number does
not include the extraordinary surgeries that Dr. Tello has performed at
our clinics...removal of tumors, amputations, etc., nor the clinic we
performed in Davila in which 35 dogs were sterilized.)
There are
many more to go, but we are making progress! Our goal is to
sterilize at least 75% of the dogs and cats in the Volcan area, and
thus almost completely solve the problem of homeless dogs and cats, and
the terrible venereal disease suffered by so many dogs--but thankfully, we see a
lot fewer venereal tumors than we did in the past!.
In 7 years a female cat and her off springs can be the source of 420,000
kittens. In 6 years a female dog and her off springs can be the
source of 67,000 puppies. Unless your dog/cat is totally
confined and unable to continue the population increase (AND the spread of
venereal disease), please do the humane thing of having them sterilized!
the health and safety of your dog/cat, however, have the sterilization
performed by a competent vet who is experienced in early sterilization
(eight weeks of age and up) and small-incision surgeries, and one
who closes with stainless steel Dr. Tello, who we are so
fortunate to have operate at our clinics. (I do not trust care of my dogs
or injured dogs that I find in the street to ANYONE except Dr. Tello.)
Thanks to everyone who participated in
our clinics today, and to those who had their pets sterilized.
Dorothy Atwater - 6517-8752 or
skype: muffiemae
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