9, 2008 -27 animals
today by Dr. Tello, our wonderful veterinarian!
Dr. Tello sterilized 20 dogs and 7 cats. Of the 20 dogs, 16 were female
and 4 were male. Of the 7 cats, 3 were female and 4 were male.
There were no venereal tumors this time - we are making progress!
was our last clinic for 2008. The next one will be in January 2009.
to our wonderful volunteers and contributors:
Boeve and Cindy Reichert, who served as registrars and helped give
Beth Park, who gave the injections of anesthesia.
Brenda Paulson,
who gave the post-op injections of vitamin B-12, flea and tick treatment, and tattooed the ears of
female dogs to indicate they have been sterilized;
Espinosa. He is my permanent employee and I donate his time and work
to the clinics. He helps weigh and tag the animals and give the
anesthesia; he and I go to the clinic site on Mondays following the
Sunday clinics to clean and organize for the next one;
Bob Wald, who performed shaving and pre-op cleaning of the animals.
Eimy Pitti
and Yimel Caballero, high school students who cleaned and sterilized
the surgical instruments.
Argelis Gomez
(my neighbor), who
worked in the recovery area…checking and recording the
temperatures and vital signs of the animals as they recovered from the
Pinedo, who
assisted Dr. Tello and helped wherever necessary, including
translation. (Thanks
also to Francia Pinedo for helping to schedule
the animals.) Francia is a good friend and I know her to be an
excellent - and honest - real estate agent in Volcan. Her web page is
Amanda Rankin for contributing sandwiches and papaya; to Sharon
Borgman for contributing sandwiches; Jennifer Taylor for soft drinks;
and Linda Weldon for a big pan of killer brownies! (Linda
accepts orders for her delicious baked goods; contact her at
for a list of items and prices.)
forgive me if I have neglected to mention any volunteers or
and financial donations:
325.00 |
by owners and/or guardians for surgeries |
20.00 |
donation by Bob & Lynn Wald |
20.00 |
cash donation by Lynda Marshall |
20.00 |
cash donation by
Marisol Jansen |
20.00 |
cash donation by Linda Weldon |
30.00 |
cash donation by Warren & Eva Croxford |
20.00 |
cash donation by David & Lydia Dell |
5.00 |
cash donation by Azel Ames |
50.00 |
cash donation by "anonymous" |
510.00 |
thanks to Patricia Chan (Spay/Panama) for her donation of a $20 bottle
of Endovet (injectable anti-parasite medicine) and a $7 bottle of tattoo
this November 9, 2008 clinic, we sterilized 20 dogs and 7 cats. At my average
cost of $20 per dog and $10 per cat, expenses were $470, plus $100 for building
rent for a total expense of $570. With total contributions of $510, this left a deficit
of $60.00 for this clinic. Since October of 2006 to date, my accumulated deficit is
contributions are welcome and needed!
are a few pictures taken during the November 9, 2008 clinic.
Girl waits with her dog. |
Bob Wald preparing to shave. |
Caballero holds a puppy. |
in a box. Cindy Reichert at registration table. |
Francia Pinedo helps Dr. Tello. |
Boeve helps Dr. Tello while owners watch the surgery. |
The killer brownies contributed
by Linda Weldon! |
woman tends to her cat after surgery. |
Argelis Gomez & Yimel
Cabellero. |
Brenda Paulson (left) works in
post-surgery. |
Bob Wald shaves and Beth Park
gives pre-op injections. |
Collie post-surgery and ready to
go home. |
People tending to their animals
post-surgery. |
Young woman waits with her dog. |
This cat was brought in a bird
cage. |
Cindy and I try to figure out
what we're doing! |
Two cute puppies. |
More animals recovering from
surgery. |
Shirley Cook watches her female dog being spayed. This was a
difficult surgery because approximately three years ago, a local
veterinarian tied the dog's tubes instead of truly spaying her.
Therefore, she still went into heat, still had sex, and was still
vulnerable to venereal disease. With no fallopian tubes attached
to the ovaries, the ovaries were very difficult to find. The
former "vet" had also left part of the uterus inside and it was
infected. Dr. Tello finally found everything that needed to be
removed. |
Another cute puppy. |
Doggie nervously awaits his
turn. |
This cat is NOT happy! |
in Volcan, our small group has been responsible for sterilizing 610 animals to
date. Added to the 129 animals that Spay/Panama (from Panama City) sterilized in in Volcan
in February of 2005, we have sterilized 739 dogs and cats! There are
many more to go, but we are making progress! Our goal is to sterilize at
least 75% of the dogs and cats in the Volcan area, and thus almost
completely solve the problem of homeless dogs and cats, and the terrible
venereal disease suffered by so many dogs.
Atwater - 771-5883 or 6780-2565 or
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