19, 2010 - 29 animals were sterilized today
by Dr. Andrés Tello, our wonderful veterinarian.
the unusually heavy rains this season, we continue to have beautiful
days for our clinics. Today Dr. Tello sterilized 16 dogs and 13 cats.
Ten of the dogs were female and 6 were male. Eight of the cats were female and
5 were male.
female dog had a heavy vaginal discharge. When Dr. Tello operated, he
found dead puppies inside her. They had started to deteriorate and he
said they had been dead about a month. The owners said they had given
her injections to keep her from getting pregnant. Perhaps she was
already pregnant when she received the last injection. I'm so glad they
brought her today. She would have died from infection before much
longer. Dr. Tello normally makes very tiny incisions, an inch long or
less. With this dog, he had to make a much longer incision to remove the
dead puppies, which were all lumped together in a ball about the size of
a tennis ball. The dog would need more antibiotics than what she
received at the clinic, so on the following Tuesday they brought her to
my house for another injection of antibiotics. I was amazed to see her!
Less than 48 hours after her serious surgery, she was energetic and happy,
and her incision looked great. (See a picture below.)
the way, injections and pills to keep a female from getting pregnant can
cause severe infection of the uterus - and so can simply tying the tubes
like many vets do. We've seen these infected uteruses numerous times,
and the infection would eventually kill the dog. When Dr. Tello spays a
female, he removes the ovaries and the uterus - which is the correct way
to spay a female.
NEWS! I'm excited to report that I now have a PayPal donate button on my
web site for your U.S. tax-deductible donations! It isn't necessary to
have a PayPal account to donate; you can also use any major credit card.
You will receive a receipt for a tax deduction.
Our excellent veterinarian is paid a
small amount for his expertise and skill, and I provide the building and
all the equipment, medications, and supplies. Neither I nor any of the
volunteers receives any payment or "perks." Every penny goes
for the animals. A donation of $20 pays for the sterilization of one
dog; $10 pays for the sterilization of one cat.
you prefer that your donation is anonymous (when reported on my web
page), there will be a place during the donation process for you to note
the instruction.
Donors and amounts are reported on my web page for each clinic. Income
and expenses are listed on each clinic web page. Thank you for your
help! Your contribution helps make Spay/Panama-Chiriqui
services possible.
who is local to Volcan, PLEASE talk with your friends and neighbors,
explain the importance of sterilization and tell them about our clinics.
My goal is to sterilize at least 30
animals during each clinic. Our next clinic will be on October 24,
of so many holidays in November and December, I had planned for October
to be the final clinic for this year. But I decided to go ahead and have
one in November. I think it will be on November 28th.
to our wonderful volunteers and contributors. Without their help and
dedication, this important work simply could not be done.
Blanco (a new volunteer) handled registration.
Rios did a great job cleaning animal's teeth.
Dana Larson and Mary Binder administered the anesthesia and the pre-op injections of antibiotics and
Richard Kongable
performed pre-op shaving and prepping.
Espinosa, my permanent employee, helps weigh and tag the animals,
provides transportation for animals in my car when necessary, and
helps with various duties. Jose and I go to the clinic site on Mondays following the
Sunday clinics to clean and organize for the next one.
Wally Ewen performed post-op care: cleaned the surgical site, tattooed the ears
of female dogs to indicate they have been sterilized, gave injections
of vitamin B-12 and antiparasite, and administered flea and tick
treatment when necessary. Wally also trained a new volunteer,
Rosalba Cabellero, who was a very quick learner.
Pinedo assisted Dr. Tello and helped with translations. Francia is a good friend and I know her to be an
excellent - and HONEST - real estate agent in Volcan. Her web page is
Rovira and Hilary Delgado cleaned and sterilized
the surgical instruments for part of the day, and when they left, Tom
Rennen took over.
to Marianne Brown for donating a crock pot of delicious food. I
provided the soft drinks, a bowl of fruit, and a cake.
thanks to Bryce Kimberling for again providing "taxi service" to
bring two cats from Guadalupe and take them home after surgery.
to Osvaldo Ivan Flores for translating this web page into Spanish. He
is the editor of a local newspaper, Chiriqui Libre.
forgive me if I have neglected to mention any volunteers or
and expenses:
392.00 |
by owners and/or guardians |
20.00 |
cash donation by Dana Larson |
30.00 |
cash donation by "anonymous" |
442.00 |
this September 19th, 2010 clinic, we sterilized 16 dogs and 13 cats. With my average
cost of $20 per dog and $10 per cat, expenses were $450 plus $100 for building
rent, for a total of $550. With contributions of $442.00,
there was a deficit of $108.00. Therefore, since October of 2006 to date, my accumulated deficit is
$3,782.75. (The clinics began in March of 2006 but it didn't occur
to me to keep financial records until October of 2006.)
donate! I very much appreciate your
contributions, which are welcome and needed!
of great pictures taken during the September 19, 2010 clinic.

Ana Blanco, registrar

People waiting.

Two people with their cat. |

This doggie is almost asleep. |

Three of my dogs, after having
their teeth cleaned. The one in front has an amputated front leg.
The one rear right was not quite asleep - and BIT Rosemary. |

Rosemary Rios shows
her injured thumb.

This doggie is ready for the
operating table. |

Dr. Tello operates on a big dog.

Rosalba Caballero working in

Man watches surgery on his dog. |

Mary Binder. |

Joyce Stahl with her dog after

Maria Nunez with her dog.

Deirdre Doyno with her adopted dog.

Still sleeping after surgery.

This is the dog who had the dead
puppies inside her. The picture was taken less than 48 hours after her
serious, very invasive surgery.
in Volcan, our small group has been responsible for sterilizing 1,074 animals to
date. Added to the 129 animals that Spay/Panama (from Panama City) sterilized in in Volcan
in February of 2005, we have sterilized 1,203 dogs and cats! There are
many more to go, but we are making progress! Our goal is to sterilize at
least 75% of the dogs and cats in the Volcan area, and thus almost
completely solve the problem of homeless dogs and cats, and the terrible
venereal disease suffered by so many dogs.
to everyone who participated in our clinics today, and to those who
had their pets sterilized. Always remember that TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Atwater - 771-5883, 6780-2565 or
skype: muffiemae
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